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What's Worth Watching?

After studying is finished and the books are put away, many Bradley students turn on the TV hoping to discover a new favorite program.

The latest round of midseason replacements has settled in among old favorites. While some shows have found success, others have found nothing but disappointment.

NBC’s “The Book of Daniel” and ABC’s “Emily’s Reasons Why Not” received the ax before viewers caught on.

As more muck infiltrates the airwaves, it’s become increasingly difficult to discern the shows worth watching.

Sunday nights are generally spent relaxing after a busy weekend. What better way to spend Sunday than with a group of surgical interns? The subject matter of ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy” is genuinely compelling and, at times, comical. The second season of the surprise hit has gathered several nominations and wins from critic groups. By mixing the gripping drama of “E.R.” with the off-the-wall goofiness of “Scrubs,” an interesting balance is found.

“Grey’s Anatomy” is a refreshing departure from the series of crime-centric shows currently saturating TV. This Sunday, watch the hospital members’ lives threatened by the arrival of a new patient. “Grey’s Anatomy” airs at 9 p.m. Sundays on ABC.

A return to class after the weekend can trigger severe stress.

Unfortunately, Fox’s “24” offers no reprieve from stress. The program is picking up steam as the nonstop season continues. Screen Actor’s Guild award winner Keifer Sutherland is Jack Bauer, who is at the center of the counterterrorism thriller. Despite five brutal seasons, Bauer attempts to thwart terrorist group’s use of weaponized nerve gas this season.

Don’t miss a minute of the action as “24” airs at 7 p.m. Mondays on Fox. Tuesday nights offer a break from surgical drama and terrorism. CBS has brought TV favorite Tom Cavanagh back to primetime. The former star of “Ed” plays Tom in “Love Monkey,” a dramedy about an artist rep from an independent music label.

The show has a lot of heart and is grounded by Cavanagh’s genuine charm. Not only does he sign some of the hottest new acts, he grapples with his proclivity to his friend and the flirtations of an eye-catching receptionist.

Don’t miss “Love Monkey” at 9 p.m. Tuesdays on CBS.

Wednesday nights offer two great programs, which unfortunately air at the same time.

“Veronica Mars” on UPN and ABC’s “Lost” are arguably the two best written programs of the past few years.

Producers for both shows have emphasized the merits of the rival programs. With “Lost” available for download on iTunes for a mere $1.99, I recommend viewers turn to “Veronica Mars.”

The show features Kristen Bell. Besides being cute as a button, Bell walks with a tone of sophistication. She plays the title character as she helps her father solve the mysteries of the swanky and crooked residents of Neptune, California.

Channeling the spirit of TV hit “Twin Peaks,” the show plays like an intelligent “O.C.” The inhabitants of Neptune are ruthlessly sinful and Veronica aims to catch them in their wrongdoing.

“Veronica Mars” solves the case at 8 p.m. Wednesdays on UPN.

Fans of the BBC’s “The Office” were skeptical when NBC announced an American produced version was in the works.

NBC’s “The Office,” starring Steve Carell as the inept boss, has proven doubters wrong.

As one of the freshest and funniest comedies on TV, it’s no surprise that Carell recently picked up a Golden Globe for his performance. The personnel of Dunder-Miflin deal with Carell’s racist, sexist and bigoted comments in this documentary-style program.

Love blossoms between several employees and, with the obnoxious Dwight, brownnosing doesn’t always pay.

Watch “The Office” at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays on NBC.

Friday nights generally don’t provide a great environment for primetime hits.

Most students would rather head to parties than settle down to watch their TV.

This Friday, however, Fox is presenting the last of this season’s “Arrested Development” run. The critical hit has yet to find an audience, but the network is hesitant to give up the program.

The madcap comedy ends the third season on a high note. Somehow a member of the family winds up in an Iraqi prison due to a risky magic act. Tune in at 7:00 p.m. Friday to Fox.

Despite the number of flops this season, there are more than enough decent TV shows to keep Bradley students glued to their sets.