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Now What?

There is actually a dual meaning behind this post. Not only is it the tagline for the upcoming Alexis Bledel vehicle, aptly titled Post Grad, but it is also a question that has been plaguing me for the past few months. The trailer has been popping up on the rare occasion that I pay attention during commercial breaks. I’ve been attempting to do a little background investigating to find out just when the movie was first ushered into production. Let’s be honest, despite its cheesy marketing gimicks and pandering (“Starring the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants’ Alexis Bledel….”), the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Yes. I recently graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in film production and have been struggling to find gainful employment. That being said, the trailer for the film really manages to get under my skin because it implies that Miss Bledel is able to land some interviews for jobs, but somehow blows her chance in a very comic way. Ugh. The big question, I suppose, is whether or not the screenplay works in the recent economic downturn or fails to recognize the fact that everybody is in the same position as the protagonist. This whole film could go one of two ways. Either people will feel for Bledel and find the movie perfectly charming in this recession or will find the likely saccharine ending too sugary. Can’t forget, of course, that movies are typically meant as an escapist outlet. Watching Alexis Bledel fail to secure a job after college might be all too relatable to be true escapism. What’s more depressing is reading people’s forum posts on imdb; most of them asking what her major is, if she takes the GRE and over a hundred posts on the subject: “sounds like my life.”