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Emmy Picks

I recently posted my dream Emmy ballot on my blog. Now that the nominations have occured, I will be running down my picks to win in select categories leading up to the actual ceremony on September 20th. I’ve treated my unemployment as an opportunity to catch up on a lot of the television I have missed this past year so as to be a more informed blogger.

Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
Tina Fey as Governor Sarah Palin in the 2008 Presidential Bash

The resemblance was undeniable, and Tina Fey’s incredible portrayal of the VP candidate was perhaps one of the best spoofs SNL has seen in years.

Sorely overlooked this year Kristen Bell as the taskmaster caterer Uda Bengt on the underrated Starz comedy Party Down and Jessica St. Clair playing Tiffany St. John on United States of Tara. Her idolization of Tara is downright hysterical and her self aware quirkiness were carried out effortlessly and with beautiful timing.

Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Jon Hamm as Dr. Drew Baird on 30 Rock

This is a stacked category. While three of the nominees are from the most nominated comedy series of all time, it is Don Draper that really deserves the statue. Sure Steve Martin and Alan Alda are great in their respective cameos, but after sitting through a season of Mad Men, watching Hamm look pensive and serious sipping liquor, his comic turn is by far the best.

Sorely overlooked this year were the always great Stellan Skarsgard for his portrayal of the ridiculous diva director Verner Vollstedt and Peter Dinklage as Liz’s love interest Stewart on 30 Rock.

Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Ellen Burstyn as Bernadette Stabler on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

What's funny is that Ellen Burstyn shared the episode with another guest star who was nominated for her guest role on No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. Burstyn's scene with Chris Meloni is one for the ages. Not that I needed any more proof of Burstyn's amazing acting ability, but check out her portrayal of Eliot's bipolar mother and you won't be disappointed.

Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series
Jimmy Smits as Miguel Prado on Dexter

Jimmy Smits is no stranger to the small screen, but did an incredible job this season as Miguel Prado on Dexter. Despite an accident on set that nearly resulted in the death of a stuntman, he played bad with amazing cunning. Wouldn't expect any less from President Santos.